The power of charity

Charity is how people help each other. charity its self has its own perception depend on human views. some peopl belive the power of it, and some people just let it anyway. the power of giving, helping each other is what exactly charity mean.

Many people who believe that logic is the accuracy of prediction, is a causal system that has rules. However, whether you know, not everything in this world can be in logic. For example, the origin of human life on earth, until now, there has been no mention theory how that happened, another example of the spirits or the genie, the natural course of logic cannot answer. Similarly, the power of charity,. Charity is a way to help someone else, especially in terms of money and livelihood. Do you believe when you give alms, even if you give money to someone else, which means reduce the bit wealth you have, does not mean that you will lose the money you give, you will gain even greater than you give.

This time I got a story about my friend who loves charity, and whether you know, I never saw him lack of money!!.

One day I was sitting in the park with him. Suddenly, there was an old woman who approached. he was a beggar. At that time, he gave five thousand dollars to that person, and I asked, hey was not that your last money? Why did you give it?. Would you not use it for your needs? My friend answered, I will receive more than that, just wait. At that time, I just blushed and still did not believe that the money would be returned. Then we walked home, all of a sudden when we get home, while we were sitting on the terrace, there was a neighbor coming, he asked for help to fix his computer, My Friend definitely clever about it. Once completed, my neighbors gave some money to him as a reward. He gave five thousand dollars. Ah I think the money has been returned, but Did you know that my friend refused it?, he said, he just helped, and did not work or want to get paid.

The next day, I played to my friend home. Magically, , he took me out to have lunch outside, and again he set aside money to give to people who can not afford. After eating have lunch outside he spends his money and put into boxes infaq mosque. I wonder where he got the money, and he had not worked, then I ask, where did you get the money?, .. he replied yesterday visit my uncle over to my house, he stopped to rest after work. Then , he came home, few moments later he called me, that he gave me pocket money which he put in the living room. And you know his uncle gave him 10 times bigger that beggar she gave the beggar yesterday.

One thing that I conclude from this event is that when you think about how God returns what you give, you will never know the answer.

That should do is

You do not need to know how the God do it to you, but you just have to trust that God would return it to you and even bigger.

We don’t have to know, but we have to trust 

tag: charity, charity story, story of charity, charity powers, the great impact of charity, the boy and echoes of lifesimilarities between spouse and cigarette.