benefit of bitter melon for our health

Bitter melon or in Latin "Momordica charantia L" is indeed one of the types of plants that have a bitter taste. but it turned out to be a bitter taste behind it there are many health benefits. Bitter melon plants are from tropical Asia. Bitter melon has a lot of benefit for our health. Bitter melon is categorized as only herbaceous plants spreading at about a year old.

Benefits Bitter melon:

a. Can stimulate appetite
b. Can cure jaundice.
c. improving digestion
d. malaria Medicines
e. Can lower blood sugar levels
f. Slow the HIV-Aids virus
g. Keeping skin beauty
h. Against cancer cells
i. Preventing breast cancer

Besides fruit, bitter melon leaf are also useful as:

a. can cure diarrhea in infants

b. Clean the blood for a woman who just gave birth
c. May reduce the heat
d. Can release pinworm
e. cure cough
Although bitter melon has remarkable properties, you should not consume pare excessive, especially for women who are pregnant. According to research on an experiment on pregnant mice, administration of excessive pare it can cause miscarriage.
According to other studies, bitter melon plant can lower sperm count. In other words it can be used as medicine pare natural family planning for men because it contains antifertilitas