Appliying contructivism in teaching english

after i write you the definition of contextual teaching and learning and i've write you too the component of contextual teaching and learning. now i share you the application of the part of contextual teaching and learning. contructivism in teaching English.


The application of constructivism in teaching English and learning process involves the students and their basic knowledge and experience in learning something new in English. The students construct and apply their knowledge to communicate in English and to express their knowledge which has been possessed. Otherwise, the students who didn’t possess the basic knowledge and experience of English could learn English communication from the known friend or the other learning resource. The unknown students can imitate their known friend and their learning resource in communicating in English.

The teachers’ role gives the students some chances to practice and to train the English communication. They let their students to get the knowledge and experience with their own strategy. However, the teachers’ role is to facilitate the constructive process for their students. Connecting with the teachers’ role facilitating all process directing to constructivism, the teacher can create the meaningful and relevant knowledge for students. Thus, the application of constructivism process in teaching English is that the teacher facilitates the students to get the English knowledge and experience gradually, and the teacher lets the students to construct the new English experience and knowledge in their own mind by using their own English learning strategy.

Teaching English applying constructivism process is that planning the teaching process, implementing the teaching process, choosing the course content, and evaluating the teaching process support the constructivism process. The constructivism process consists of giving the learning experience to apply the previous knowledge and experience of English, planning some teaching activities to lead constructing the students’ knowledge and experience in English, and preparing some learning resources to direct the students’ future. The students practice to solve the problem in English subject matter by building their knowledge and experience, so the students get the new experience from the result of building the previous knowledge in their mind.

The English course content related to constructivism can be applied in reading and speaking. From teaching reading and speaking, the teachers develop the material into developing vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. These course contents are integrated in both teaching reading and speaking. In combination of teaching speaking, the students automatically construct their listening skill and integratedly develop their pronunciation. In integration with teaching reading, the students also build their writing skill, their vocabulary, and their grammar.

1)      Constructivism Process in Teaching Reading

The constructivism process in teaching reading is that the teacher presents English text for students. The students who possessed the knowledge about the text given will guess the text; otherwise, the teacher will give basic concept related to the text presented for students who didn’t posses the knowledge about text. In this situation, the position of the known students is to construct the new knowledge and to recall the previous knowledge for sharing with the unknown students.
Sitinjak (2002:4) says that, relating to constructivism, the teacher can help the students improving their reading skill from just reading a simple text to a complex text in accordance with the structure and vocabulary mastery.
As stated above, the teacher teaches reading material integrated with reading material. Teaching reading is that the students construct the reading ability after learning the question given and that they answer the question made by them.
In constructivism in teaching reading and listening, the students focus on:
Greeting when meeting
How are you?
How are you today?
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Nice to see you.
Fine, thank you.
Very well, thanks.
Good morning/Morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Nice to see you, too.
Greetings when parting
Good night.
Good bye.
See you later.
Good night.
Good bye/Bye.
See you.

Read the dialog carefully:
Monica     : Good morning, Simon!
Simon       : Good morning, Monica! How are you?
Monica     : Very well, thanks. How about you?
Simon       : I’m very well, too. Thank you.
Monica     : how about your sister Anna,
                   Is she fine?
Simon       : Yes, she is fine. Now she is swimming.
Monica     : Give my regard for her, will you?
Simon       : Yes, I will. Well Monica … I must go now. I have to
                   Come early to class. See you.
Monica     : See you, too. Bye, Simon.
Simon       : Bye, Monica. 

1)      Constructivism in Teaching Speaking and Listening          
In teaching speaking related to constructivism process, the teacher gives the students some question in English. The teachers let their students to listen the English utterances and the model given. When the teachers teach speaking, they also teach some English course content such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Of course, these English course contents are used in spoken language. The teacher also has to train the students in instructing the acceptable language and in communicating the correct language.
The teacher can integrate teaching speaking and teaching listening. When the teacher speaks in English, the students listen to the teachers’ speech. It means students listen and repeat the teacher speaking in order to improve their listening skills. Teaching speaking related to constructivism process is how to construct the right utterances by listening and repeating teacher speaking and how to overcome the problem of answer teacher’ question using the strategic competence.
For example students can speak words such as;
Good morning                        I am very well, thank you               
Good afternoon                      I am fine, thanks
Good evening                         Fine, thanks
How are you

In daily conversation:
Farrah  : Hello, Kevin,
                                                 Good morning
                      Kevin :  Hello Farrah,
                                     Good morning
                      Farrah  :  How are you?
                      Kevin  :  I am fine thank you.
                                     How are you?
                      Farrah :  I am fine, too.