teaching fucntional text to improve grammar ability


Sanjaya, Abdillah. 2012. Teaching functional text to improve student ability in grammar in junior high school. Paper. English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Consultant, Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd

This study is about the teaching functional text in junior high school. The writer's reasons in choosing that topic are that the writer has great interest in functional text and student difficulty in learning grammar.
Functional text is used for everyday information. It is called functional because it helps you function in your day-to-day life. For example, if we wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, we would read a recipe. If we wanted to know our friend's phone number, we would look in a phone book. If our English teacher gave a test, we would need to read the directions. There are some kinds of functional text among of them, announcement, invitation, recipe, food label, schedule etc. Here the writer will explain how to teach functional text to improve student ability in grammar. Grammar is relatively said as a difficult task for the student.
This paper entitles teaching functional text to improve student ability in grammar. The writer will give an explanation on how to improve student ability in grammar through functional text. By using the grammatical pattern of functional text, such as, announcement, recipe, invitation card and so on, the writer here, hopes that student can easily understand sentence structure such as simple present and simple future tense. This paper shows an elaboration on how functional text is useful to teach grammar. Here, the writer also writes and explains the step completely. 

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