Advantages of context clues

Apart from enlarging a reader's vocabulary, this approach has some advantages such as, the intention of vocabulary acquisition, stimulate critical thinking of reader, for critical reader, it doesn’t need longer time than opening dictionary, can be useful to define word meaning for any polysemous word depend on the context.
 a.         The intention of vocabulary acquisition
Vocabulary mastery, of course, has a big point in understanding the sentence. Context clues are supporting sentences for providing information on the meaning of difficult words. Therefore, when we just have a little vocabulary mastery, of course will be directly proportional to the mastery of context clues. For example, when there is a sentence and we do not even understand the meaning of it. We do not know the meaning of each word or we know a little word only, context clues, of course, this approach will not be running, as it should. To overcome this problem at least should first increase our vocabulary mastery. By mastering vocabulary well, is expected there will creativity enhancement in word processing, especially relation to the ability to read. In reading, one must have an adequate vocabulary so that he can figure out the meaning of reading's content. Context clues are a combination of reading skills, vocabulary mastery, and creativity. Three of those should go together.

b.         Stimulate critical thinking of reader
Creativity is needed when we are dealing with context clue. Carefulness in reading the information, such as punctuation, and keywords will greatly affect the accuracy in guessing unfamiliar word. In deciphering punctuation for example, a dash (-) or mark (,) has a big share in applying context clues. They are informations which is provided by the author to the reader or in the determination of key words. Foresight is needed once again. as described by Chelsa (2005) The first thing to do is deciding which one is the unfamiliar word, and then determine the type of context clues after that the application of context clues and the last is inferring or determine the meaning of the word. When readers begin to use context clues, the reader is required to stay focused and keen in taking and determining the information. It will indirectly lead the reader to think critically. Logical in the use of this approach will stimulate readers to think critically and more critical so that readers know the meaning of the passage perfectly.

c.         For critical reader, it does not need longer time than opening dictionary

Context clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words. Learning the meaning of a word through its use in a sentence or paragraph is the most practical way to build vocabulary, since a dictionary is not always available when a reader encounters an unknown word. A reader must be aware that many words have several possible meanings. Only by being sensitive to the circumstances in which a word is used , the reader are able to decide upon an appropriate definition to fit the context.

d.        Can be useful to define word meaning for any polysemous word depend on the context.
A polyseme is a word or phrase with different, but related senses. Since the test for polysemy is the vague concept of relatedness, judgments of polysemy can be difficult to make. Because applying pre-existing words to new situations is a natural process of language change, looking at words' etymology is helpful in determining polysemy but not the only solution; as words become lost in etymology, what once was a useful distinction of meaning may no longer be so. Some apparently unrelated words share a common historical origin, however, so etymology is not an infallible test for polysemy, and dictionary writers often defer to speakers' intuitions to judge polysemy in cases where it contradicts etymology.
English has many words which are polysemeous. For example the verb "to get" can mean "procure" (I'll get the drinks), "become" (she got scared), "have" (I've got three dollars), "understand" (I get it) etc. Here the role of context clues in determining the meaning of the polysemeous word. A context clue is an approach to infer the meaning of unfamiliar word, which is based on the sentence context. That words mean exactly can be figured out or at least very close to the real meaning.

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