Soal MID semester bahas inggris kelas XII

Date :
Class : XII
Time allocation : 90 minutes

I. Answer the question based on the text below!

This is the story about a prince who had got every thing in his life. He had not seen any sorrow in his life. He helped his people whatever he could.
As it happens with every body, one day the prince also left this world. People were very sad and unhappy. People made his statue in his memory. The statue was made up of lead and fixed with various jewels. Blue jewels were fixed in his eyes. The statue was kept over a pillar at the centre of the town so that everybody could remember him.Once upon a time a swallow came to visit the place and stopped between the feet of the statue. During night when the swallow was going to sleep, a drop fell on his head. He looked up and saw that tears coming out from the eyes of the statue. He became very sad.
"Why are you crying my dear?" Asked the prince. "I have seen every thing happy in my life, but here I am seeing that somebody is unhappy and sad?" Replied the prince.
The swallow was surprised and asked about what he could see. The prince told him that he has seen that there is house at far off place where a poor woman lives. She is very sad because she has no money to buy food and medicines for his son who is very sick and unhealthy.
The prince requests him to help the woman. He gives one of the jewels of his sword to the swallow and told to hand it over to the poor old woman. She becomes happy after getting the jewel as he could buy medicines and good food for his son and her.
The swallow replied that he is not feeling cold. Why? The prince told him that by doing a good deed he has got warmth.
The swallow wanted to flew to the warm place where his family members had gone. He said good bye to prince but he stopped the swallow to leave him. He wants some more works to be done by swallow. One after other he gave out his jewels from his body and at lost he gave all the pieces of his cloth also. He helped the poor young man who wanted to write good things but unable due to want of money. The prince helped the little girl who was selling matches but due to heavy cold her matches became wet she could not sell it. She was afraid that her father will beat her after reaching home. The prince never wanted to see any thing unhappy in the world. He gave the jewel of his another eye and made the girl happy.
The day came when all the jewels of his body gone. The prince looked ugly and shabby. The swallow never left the place to help the prince. Then the snow came. The little swallow got colder and c. He knew that his end has come.
"Good bye", replied the prince. Some thing broke inside him. It was his heart.
One day the mayor and councilors saw condition of the statue of the prince during their visit. A dead bird was under his feet. They decided to remove the statue from that place and put statue of the mayor. They took down the lead from the statue of the prince gave it to workmen to make statue of the mayor. The workmen found that there was a heart inside the statue which did not melt. They decided to throw the heart to the heap of the dust where the little dead swallow was lying.
The god was seeing this. He ordered his angles to bring the two most precious things from the town.
They brought the broken heart and the dead swallow. The god said "You are right".
It is said that the little bird still lives with the god in his garden of paradise and the happy prince always known in the name of the god.

a. Why does the statue kept over the pillar in the center of the town?
b. Why did the prince ask swallow to stay with him?
c. What visited the statue and stopped beetwen his feet?
d. What did mayor want for the statue of the prince?
e. How will you describe the statue of the prince in first time?

II. Answer the question based on the letter below.

Jln. Sentanu
Oktober 7, 2013

Dear Anggara Priyambada,
I am writing a matter which i am certain will be interest of you.
Since I know your firm is characteristed by its quality and service, i was quite surprised last Thursday with you teller, Billy Rahmawan that had mistakenly procesed a withdrawwal instead of deposit, as I requested, he informed me in impolite and aggfresive tones that it was “no problem” he then refused to process a correction
I will not trouble you with the detail of conversation, as it will serve no reasonable purpose. I am certain, how ever, that you will loss your bussines that may occur if customers continue to be treaten in this manner.
Since i know you wish to uphold the good reputation of your establishment, Itrust this information will be interest and use to you.

Tora Montari

a. What is the letter about?
b. Who send the letter?
c. Who have made a mistake?
d. What will happen to the firm if all customers are treaten like Mr. Sora?
e. Who is billy Ramawan?

III. Complete the dialog with the correct word from the boxes
bondan : hello tiara
tiara : thanks bondan. It’s...(1) here. Where is every body?
Bondan : well my mom and dad ....(2) .. and my brother hasn’t come home yet.
Tiara : i see, what is this bondan?
Bondan : Oh. It’s an ebook reader. That my broteher’s
Tiara : how do we ...(3) ... it?
Bondan : it’s simple. Press this .....(4)... open a file the read the book.
Tiara : that ius ...(5)..
Bondan : yes, it is.

IV. Change the senntence below into passive voice form.
a. They get a good score.
b. The man is reading a book.
c. The boy fixs this difficult problem alone.
d. She make a chance to excape from the prison.
e. We are robbing the noblemen.

V. Answer the question based on the text below!
How does Rain Happen?

Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.

The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth's surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor rises into the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow.

However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

a. What is the purpose of the text?
b. How the water can evaporate?
c. The generic structure of the text is?
d. What is the text tells about?
e. What is virga?

“to get a good future is to prepare it from now”
-------------Williem Haterulez-----------