seven ways to cope with a possessive girl

If in a previous post I talked about character traits or owned by possessive girl. So now I will give you surefire tips to overcome if you are dating with possessive girl Okeyyy just check it out  
here are The following tips ...
  1. Learn to understand that your girlfriend is a possessive
We already know that girls tend to be very possessive love us and she will not give up single moment of your time to have fun with friends or other people. It is wise for you when the time with her. Give her everything. While teaches she that life was not just you only
  1.  If you're having trouble understanding your girlfriend
Surely that the girl possessed changed frequently changed her word. Now say like this, and a minute later she would forget. These things will make you difficult to understand the nature of your girlfriend. If you are still confused to understand the girlfriend you click on this link., the nature of possessive girl, Here described the characteristics of a possessive girl. (first post)
  1. Do not play violent.
Possessive girl belonging to a desperate girl. He would do anything for yourself, just as when you slap she. Not afraid that she felt, she would retaliate, but instead you slap. Thus when a fight. I suggest you to go, to abandon the fight. And returned a few days later. I believe the situation is a little calmer.
  1.  When you are lazy to meet with because you see it is too often.
Not quite another when we build relationships, sometimes we feel very bored because always together, when you are in this position, tell your girlfriends to be understanding. You say that she had frequently met with ... when you say like that I'm sure she would be angry. But leave her angry. The day after that you just came to apologize.
  1. When she angry and difficult to be appeased.
In this position you must have the courage to threaten her, you must have the courage to say. We continue or move on. Or in other words you must have the courage to say we broke up!. Do not worry guys. Possessive girl would not dare to accept it /. She will definitely be back soon embrace you while scavenging sniffle
  1. Give the poem every day
Possessive girl is not a girl who is too difficult to control. Many ways you can do. One of them give her poem or poems, when she wakes up or she would sleep. It is proven effective to make your girlfriends feel very happy.
  1. Learn to say goodbye.
Possessive girl is Classified as super worrying girl. So when you want to travel without taking her. Get used to saying goodbye, text her or phone her only. Although she will be angry because not being invited, at least her worrying slightly relieved.

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