Jurnal : The Effectivness of Using Comic in Increasing Vocabulary Mastery



Aziza, Tri Harviati. 2012. The Effectiveness of Using Comic to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of Content Words for the Seventh-Grade Students of SMP N 33 Purworejo in the Academic Year 2011/2012. English Department Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Consultant: Zulia Chasanah

Key Word: Vocabulary, Comic, Content Words

          English is noticed as one of international languages which is very common to be used by people from different region and country to communicate each other. Nevertheless, the ability to use this language should de developed during youth’s school age. Students are often trapped by the very old-fashioned way of learning. They get bored even when they are not learning it. It makes students find that English is more difficult than it actually is. Vocabulary is one of the language components that have to be taught to the students in learning a foreign language. To increase the students’ vocabulary mastery, the teacher can use many media. By using comic as media, the student can learn easily and interestingly.
          The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a significant effect of teaching vocabulary using comic to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. In this research, the writer took 65 students of the seventh-grade of SMP N 33 Purworejo in the academic year 2011/2012 as the sample. The writer used VII F which consists of 33 students as experiment group, and class VIIG which consists of 32 students as the control group. The writer conducted pre-test and post-test. The writer taught vocabulary using comic as a treatment. Statistically, the writer analyzed the data by using t-test separated variance.
          The result of this research shows that there is a significant effect of teaching vocabulary using comic to increase students’ vocabulary mastery, since it was found that the result of t-value is 5.11. Based on the 0.05 significant level, the value of t-table is 2.0375, the computation shows that t-value is higher than t-table that is 5.11>2.0375.
          The research findings indicate that the students are interested in learning English vocabulary using comic. The teacher uses the variety of teaching methods in teaching learning process in order to get the higher achievement of the students.

I.         Introduction

Being able to master one or some foreign languages is a must for today’s people. When one is not able to master it well, it is possibly happen that he will be left behind as the world is somehow getting smaller. It is very common for us to name today’s condition as globalization era, where meeting other people from the very different background is surely possible. To prepare these such meetings, people – especially youth – have to be able to use other language than merely their mother tongue only.
English is noticed as one of international languages which is very common to be used by people from different region and country to communicate each other. Nevertheless, the ability to use this language should be developed during youth’s school-age. That is why the government puts this subject to be taught in elementary school.
For years, students are of the opinion that English is one of the most difficult subjects at school. This kind of opinion is surely will decrease students’ interest to learn English.  Moreover, students are often trapped by the very old-fashioned way of learning. They get bored even when they are not learning it. It makes students find that English is more difficult than it actually is.
In this thesis, the writer takes junior high school students as her object of study. For most of this level of students, English subject is difficult because of their lack in vocabulary. They have very limited number of vocabulary. Students always find it is hard to express their ideas when they meet the word that they do not know its English word. As the result, they mostly will stop to express their ideas in English.
Some other students already have sufficient number of vocabulary but still find that English is difficult. Their vocabulary treasury is not the sole indication to say that they find English as an easy lesson. In fact, their difficulty is on the recognition of English part-of-speech. English treats its vocabulary in more specific way. During students’ time to learn English at school, they have to be very familiar with some language terms such as noun, verb, adjective and adverb. When students do not know this kind of word, they will judge English as a complicated subject to be learnt.
In line with the previous paragraph stated above that students are trapped by some old-fashioned ways of learning, the opinion of varying way of learning raises these days. Teachers and scholars are trying to find more alternatives to teach English, especially its vocabulary in a more interesting way. New methods and/or media come to overcome this kind of difficulties.

a.      Statement of the Problem

In conducting this thesis, the writer states the problem as follow: Is there any significant effect of teaching vocabulary of content words using comic for the seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 33 Purworejo in the academic year 2011/2012?

b.      The Purpose of the Study

The objective of this research is to find out whether there is any significant effect of teaching vocabulary of content words using comic for the seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 33 Purworejo in the academic year 2011/2012.
II.      Theoretical Review
1.       General Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is about words – where they come from, how they change, how they relate to each other and how we use them to view the world (Bauer: 2001:34). Vocabulary is one of language components and no language exists without words. Napa (1991: 10) states that words are signs or symbols for ideas. They are the means by which people exchange their thought.
Vocabulary contains of words which make up a language. It is clear then that vocabulary is very important in foreign language acquisition. Hornby (2000: 1506) states that vocabulary is the total number of words that make up a language, or words known to a person, or used in a particular book or subject, or list of words with their meaning, especially one which accompanies a textbook in a foreign language.
Vocabulary is the most important material in foreign language teaching for learners. Therefore, the teaching of English vocabulary has a very essential role in enabling Indonesian students to master English as their foreign language. English vocabulary mastery, in fact, has become a big problem for most Indonesian students. If one does not have sufficient number of vocabulary, he will not be able to communicate with his surroundings.
Schmitt (1997: 40) states that vocabulary is a basis of a language. It is important to be mastered first. We cannot speak well and understand written materials if we do not master vocabulary. Schmitt (1997:41) also states that no matter how successfully the sound of the foreign language is mastered without words to express the wider range of meanings, communication in a foreign language just cannot happen in any meaningful way.
The followings are the classification of basic vocabulary as classified by Tarigan (1991: 10-11):
a.    The family term    : grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, child, etc
b.    Parts of body       : head, eye, ear, nose, hand, foot, etc.
c.    Number                : cardinal numbers (one, two, three, and etc);
ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc)
d.   Verb                     : go, sleep, read, write, drink, eat, walk, etc.
e.    Noun                    : car, shirt, table, pencil, pilot, etc
f.     Adjective             : handsome, beautiful, ugly, good, pretty, etc.
g.    Universal things   : land, sky, moon, sun, water, etc.

2.       General Concept of Part of Speech
Knowing the part of speech of word is essential. It is important when learners know two or more forms for one-word, like wise (adjective), wisely (adverb), and wisdom (noun). It is also important when similar words confound the situation as lend (verb) and loan (noun) or affect (verb) and effect (noun).

3.       General Concept of Comic
The precise definition of comics remains a subject of debate, with som scholars insisting that their printed nature is crucial to the definition, or that they should be defined by the interdependence of image and text. Others define the medium in terms of its sequential art. McCloud (1993:42) states comics are juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.
Comics are an art form using a series of static images in fixed sequence. Written text is often incorporated. The two most common forms of comics are comic strips (as appear in newspaper) and comic books (also popularly called “manga” when referring to Japanese comic books). Comic strips are serial comics that are published in a newspaper.

III.   Data Analysis

Statistics has a very important role in research in collecting, organizing, presenting, and analyzing data in number. To analyze the data, the researcher applies an appropriate technique to find out whether teaching reading using pre-questioning is effective for the reading comprehension ability on the eleventh grade students of SMK Batik Sakti I Kebumen or not.
There are two kinds of techniques of data analysis:

1.    Descriptive Analysis

The descriptive analysis is used to describe the variable of this research that is the students’ reading comprehension ability that is taught using pre-questioning and teaching orally. In this analysis, the researcher presents the result of the test. The researcher uses two statistics (mean analysis and standard deviation) to compute the students’ reading comprehension ability in both groups. Additionally, the Mean, Mode, Median, SD, the highest and lowest scores are also used to analyze the data.

a.    Mean ()
Mean is the average of the set scores, obtained by adding the scores together and dividing by the total number of scores (Nunan: 2007:232).
∑X  : The sum of the score
N     : The total number of student

b.   Standard Deviation (SD)
Standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of set of scores from the mean of the scores. It is calculated by obtaining the square root of the variance of a set of scores.
SD  =
SD              : the score of the standard of the standard deviation
        : the sum of score
N                 : the total number of the students

2.    Inferential Analysis
This analysis is done to find out the effect of using pre-questioning in teaching reading. Test of hypothesis is used to know whether there is a significant effect of teaching reading using pre-questioning on students’ reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of SMK Batik Sakti I Kebumen in the academic year 2011/2012. According to Sugiyono (2010:273) t-test can be formulated as below:
t =

the mean of experiment group
the mean of control group
variance of experiment group
variance of control group
number of sample of experiment group
number of sample of control group

In this inferential analysis, hypothesis testing is done. In this testing, the hypothesis will be analyzed through t-test. The t-test is to see the score difference between the two variables; the students’ reading ability of the experiment group and the control group. After getting the result of t-value, then the t-value is consulted to the t-table to be interpreted.

IV.   Findings
1.Descriptive Analysis Interpretation

a.       The Vocabulary Mastery Result of Experiment Group
Experiment group is the group which is given the treatment by the writer. In this group, the writer taught the vocabulary material with comic. The data were taken on November 5, 2011 for pre-test and on November 20, 2011 for post-test. In this discussion, the writer calculates the post test result of experiment group.
From the score table, the writer concludes; the highest score of students’ vocabulary mastery (H) is 100, the lowest score (L) is 76, the range (R) is 24, the median (Me) is 88, the mode (Mo) is 76, and the total score of students’ vocabulary mastery (T) is 2860.
From the data above, the writer tries to find the mean of the data by applying the mean formula and the writer tries to find the variance and the deviation standard of vocabulary mastery of experiment group. The mean (M) is 86.67, and the deviation standard (SD) is 8.76.
According to Arikunto (2001:245), the criteria of assessment of the students’ mastery of experiment group are shown in the following table:
Table 4. Degree mastery of post test score of experiment group
80 ─ 100
Very Good
78.79 %
66 ─ 79
21.21 %
56 ─ 65
0 %
40 ─ 55
0 %
< 39
0 %
100 %

           Based on the table above, the writer concludes that there are 7 students (21.21 %) belong to good category, and 26 students (78.79 %) belong to very good category.

b.      The Vocabulary Mastery Result of Control Group
              Control group is the group which is not given the treatment by the writer. In this group, the writer taught the vocabulary material without comic or orally. The data were taken on November 5, 2011 for pre-test and on November 20, 2011 for post-test. In this discussion, the writer calculates the post-test result of control group.
              From the score above, the writer concludes; the highest score of students’ vocabulary mastery (H) is 96, the lowest score (L) is 20, the range (R) is 76, the median (Me) is 74, the mode (Mo) is 76, and the total score of students’ vocabulary mastery (T) is 2196.
              From the data above, the writer tries to find the mean of the data by applying the mean formula and the writer tries to find the variance and the deviation standard of vocabulary mastery of control group. The mean (M) is 68.63, and the deviation standard (SD) is 18.04.
              According to Arikunto (2001:245), the criteria of assessment of the students’ vocabulary mastery of control group are shown in the following table.
Table 5 Degree Mastery of Post –Test Score of Control Group
80 ─ 100
Very Good
28.13 %
66 ─ 79
46.88 %
56 ─ 65
6.25 %
40 ─ 55
9.37 %
< 39
9.37 %
100 %

Based on the table above, the writer concludes that there are 3 students (9.37%) belong to fail category, 3 students (9.37 %) belong to poor, 2 students (6.25 %) belong to fair category, 15 students (46.88%) belong to good category, and 9 students (28.13%) belong to very good category.

2.      Inferential Analysis Interpretation

From the computation, the value of F is 4.243. Then, it is compared with the value of F table with df of numerator (33-1=32) and df of denominator (32-1=31). Based on the table on F table, it is known that at the F value on the significant level 0.05 is 1.84. Because F obtained is higher than the value of F table (4.243 > 1.84), it means that the variance of two samples is not homogeneous.
                                    After knowing that the variance of two samples are not homogeneous and the number of sample of experiment group is different with the number of sample of control group, so the t-test formula which is used by the writer is t-test separated variance (Sugiyono, 2010:139).
V.      Conclusions
Based on the analysis of the data, the testing hypothesis and the discussion in the previous chapter, the conclusion can be drawn that teaching vocabulary by using comic as media in Increasing Vocabulary Mastery of the Seventh-Grade Students at SMP N 33 Purworejo in the Academic Year 2011/2012 is effective. It can be seen from the result of the mean score of post-test which is higher than mean of pre-test (76 > 57.11). In addition the result of t-value is 5.11. Based on the 0.05 significance level, the value of the t-table is 2.0375. The computation shows that the t-value higher than t-table that is 5.11 > 2.0375. Thus, the hypothesis is accepted and teaching vocabulary by using Comic in Teaching and Learning English is effective in increasing vocabulary mastery of the seventh-grade students at SMP N 33 Purworejo in the Academic Year 2011/2012.

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