Using General Sense Clues

Let’s back to context clues. Now I’m going to share what is General sense clue and how to use general sense clues. Here I write the hint, example and the step of using general sense clue. In the previous post I’ve talked about, context clues definition, pointer of using context clues, unfamiliar word, and advantages and disadvantages of context clues.
Using General Sense clue

a. Description

Sometimes a sentence will provide a general sense clue that will help you understand the meaning of the word. Most of the time, unfortunately, the reader must simply depend upon background knowledge to make inferences about the meaning of an unusual word. Sometimes a word or phrase is not immediately clarified within the same sentence. Relationships, which are not directly apparent, are inferred or implied. The reader must look for clues within, before, and after the sentence in which the word is used

b. Hint:

Read to the end of the paragraph, then come back and try to think of another word that we know that would make sense instead of the unknown word.

c. Example of sentence

The soup had a color and a smell that was very appetizing to the hungry children

1) Identify the unfamiliar word.

( we don’t know what appetizing mean )

2) Identify the sentence that will give a sense to meaning of the unfamiliar word

(The sentence indicate that the soup has interesting color, and there is a phrase state hungry children)

3) Connect the word, the phrase or the meaning of sentence the to get possibility near nearest meaning

( try to make a sense between colorful soup and hungry children to define the meaning of unfamiliar word )

4) Use this information to figure out what the unfamiliar word means.

( try to make a nearest possible substitution of the unfamiliar word by the word we have guess, the clue is colorful soup and hungry children. We can state that the meaning of the unfamiliar word is something interest for hungry children)

Appetizing: arousing eat flavor

d. Other example of General Sense
There was glass all over the street, and the children could not ride their bike through it without getting a punctured tire.

[ the clue are there was glass all over the street, the children could not ride the bike, nad tire. It mean the tire will pass something caused by glass ] 
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