Pambudhi, Pandu. 082120157. The Analysis of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing In Reading V Class of English Department of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University In The Academic Year 2011/2012.A Thesis. Teacher Training and Educational Sciences Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. July. 2012.

 Code-Switching and code-mixing are common phenomenon in our life which is very likely to occur within the speech community or worldwide human relation. Code-switching and code-mixing also have important position in education especially in English teaching. This study investigated (1) what kinds of code switching and codes mixing exist in reading V class; (2) what are the reasons of the lecturer code switching and code mixing their languages.
The data was collected by recording the lecturers and students communication contain code-switching and code mixing and distributing the questionnaires to the lecturer in order to find how she teaches English with two languages in her class to complete the research of this study. The researcher did the study toward Reading V Class of English Department of UMP in the academic year of 2011/2012.

By analyzing data, it was found that code-switching and code-mixing in Reading V class.(1)There are situational code switching, metaphorical code- switching, intrasential code-switching, intersential code-switching, and tag- switching. And there are three kinds of code mixing, namely; insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization.(2) the lecturer code switch and code-mix their languages because the students can’t completely understand the lecturer explanation. Knowing the result of the study towards reading V class, this research may have suggested to the lecturer that code switching and code mixing was needed in the English teaching learning process. Hopefully, the students would accept the material easily.

Key words: code switching, code mixing, bilingual, reading class.



Language is means of communication that is used by many people to communicate each other. Commonly, many people use more than one language to communicate. In Indonesia, many people use their mother tongue, Bahasa Indonesia and also English to communicate

A.  Background of the Study

Nowadays, there are so many people who master more than one language. Many of them master two or more languages, namely their native language and the second language. The language which is usually mastered well by people is their mother tongue or native language. Most of them firstly used their mother tongue to communicate to their family and society. However during their communication with other people and because of the need of understanding other people about what they mean, there is a demand for the people to master or know the other languages. This condition caused many people learn another language to make their communication effective. People who master more than one language is called bilingual or multilingual. Hundreds of millions people in the world routinely use two or more languages in their daily lives (multilingual). This also happens to the Indonesian people who are multilingual. Indonesian people master at least theIndonesian national language that is Bahasa Indonesia and their regional language. Well-educated people usually master foreign languages, such as English, Japanese, etc. The fact that people can use more than one language encourages them to mix code whenever they speak. No wonder people can use more than one language at the same time.

Moreover, it is also possible for the bilingual or multilingual people to use more than one language in a communication even in the same topic, context or people. The condition where people use more than one language or code in the same topic and context or a person in communication is called code switching and code mixing.

Code switching and code mixing can be seen in spoken and written language. Code switching and code mixing in written language can found in newspaper, magazine, novel, etc. The code switching and code mixing can also found in spoken language such as radio program, Television program, teaching- learning process, etc. The teaching-learning process especially teaching speaking skill in class is one of the examples of code switching and code mixing in a spoken language. In these activities, the speaker not only mixes the codes of Indonesian and English, but sometimes Javanese too. English students and the lecturers often use code switching and code mixing in a class. They commonly used English in teaching. But they also commonly used other languages, Indonesian and or Javanese to make the explanation clearer and or with another reason based on their need. It is something natural when it happens on speaking class, because the lecturer and students are Indonesian people, they had their previous language before they mastered English. Their level of proficiency and fluency on English mastery is not only determined by their mastery on language but also by certain purpose in code switching and code mixing.

In this research, the researcher would like to investigate Reading V Class in using code switching and code mixing in their teaching and learning process. The phenomenon of code switching and code mixing widely occurs within the communication in which more than one language is used. Most countries have been globalizing and it will continue to happen. Recently, it is easy to find bilinguals in such traditionally multilingual countries as Indonesia as well as on account of this globalization. Also it is noticeable for them to speak mixed languages and they also switch back and forth between two languages. In order to understand the process of their utterances, it is necessary to study code switching and code mixing in the area of bilingualism.

B.  Reasons for Choosing the Topic

English sometimes makes students confused or bored because they will get difficult in comprehending the materials. Most of the English the lecturers in Indonesia especially in Purworejo use more than one language. We can find the switching up or mixing up in the communication of teaching and learning process in the language classes. In this research we can find out that code-switching and code-mixing

also occurs in the formal education. Code-switching and Code–mixing are needed for English the lecturers because it makes students easier and interested on comprehending the lesson. In addition, it would be better for the lecturers to try to teach students both code-switching and code-mixing so that the students could be familiar with bilingual condition.

C.  Statements of the Problems

Based on the study, the researcher focuses his attention on the following problems:

1.    What are the types of code switching and code mixing inReading V Class?
2.    What are the reasons of the Reading V lecturer code mix and code switch her languages in Reading V Class?

D.  Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are as the following:
1.    To classify the types of code switching and Code Mixing in process of Reading V Class.
2.    To describe the reasons of the Reading V lecturer code mix and code switch her languages in Reading V Class.

E.  Significance of the Study

This study investigates the facts of code switching and code mixing in Reading V Class. This study is expected to make contribution for those who have concern on an educational world especially English teaching to realize that there will be a phenomenon of code-switching and code-mixing within communication where more than one language are employed. This study is done to enlarge our view on sociolinguistic phenomenon in our society, particularly the phenomenon of language use and sociolinguistic aspects.

F.   Limitation of the Study

The researcher of this research focuses his study of code-switching and code-mixing used by the lecturer and students in Reading V Class. The phenomenon of code switching and code mixing are very likely to occur in their communication.

G.  Definition of the Key Terms

In understanding this thesis, the researcher and the readers should have the same interpretation.

1.    Analysis
Analysis is the study of something by examining its part (oxford pocket dictionary).

2.    Code switching
Code-switching is the concurrent use of more than one language, or language variety, in conversation(

3.    Code Mixing
Code-mixing refers to the mixing of two or more languages or language           varieties in       speech (

H.  Organization of the Thesis

This thesis is divided into five chapters:

     Chapter I is Introduction.This chapter consists of background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of the key terms, and organization of the thesis.  
     Chapter II is Review of Related Literature.In the second chapter, review of related literature is presented Chapter III is Research Methodology. This Chapter is divided into four parts. The first part describes the source of the data. The second part discusses the instrument of data collection. The third part reveals the procedures of data collection and the last part is method of data analysis.
     Chapter IV is Data Description and Discussion.The fourth is analysis of the types of code switching and code mixing In Reading V Class. This Chapter also gives the reason of using code switching and code mixing made by the lecturer and students in Reading V Class.
     Chapter V is Conclusions.The last chapter, chapter V, contains some conclusions and suggestions.

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