I've told you the classification of Noun and verb in the previous post. still talking with part of speech. now i'd like to tell you the classification of adjective. Adjectives are descriptive words. An adjective is a
word which qualifies a noun, that is, shows or points out some distinguishing
mark or feature of the noun (Eastwood, 2009:111). To take
as examples are a black bird - an angry man - a round
Article :
the, a, an
Demonstrative adjectives : this, that, these, those, there, here
Possessive adjectives
- From pronouns : my, your, one’s, their
- From nouns : John’s, the girl’s
Numeral adjectives
- Numeral : four, twenty-five, one hundred
- Cardinal :fourth, twenty-fifth, one hundredth
Adjective of indefinite quantities : some, few, all, more
Relative an interrogative adjective : whose,
what, which
Frank (1990:110) mentions that the next adjective is
descriptive adjective. This descriptive adjective is very different from the
previous one, as Frank (1990: 110) states that descriptive adjectives
usually indicate an inherent quality e.g. beautiful,
intelligent, or a physical state such as age, size, and colour (seven years old,
large (L), blue).
Inflectional and derivational endings can be added only to this type of
Based on the statement above, there is an
elaboration that all adjectives words stand for quality, physical condition as
age, size and colours mentioned as descriptive adjective. While determiner is
impossible to get any inflectional and derivational endings, descriptive
adjective is very common to get such affixes.
Descriptive adjective
The sexy girl went for a walk.
The sexiest girl
went for a walk.
Frank also mentions the subdivisions of descriptive
Proper Adjectives: a Catholic church, a French
dish, a Shakespearian play.
Participial Adjectives
Present participle: an interesting book, a disappointing
experience, a charming view.
Past participle: a bored student, a worn
tablecloth, a tired housewife, a spoiled child.
Adjective Compounds
With participles: a good-looking girl, a heart-breaking
story, a long-suffering widow.
With -ed
added to nouns: absent-minded, ill-tempered, tear-stained,
adjective is a word which qualifies a noun, that is, it shows or points out
some distinguishing mark or feature of the noun; as, a white horse. Adjectives
have three forms called degrees of comparison:
positive. The positive adjective is the simple form of the adjective without
expressing increase or diminution of the original quality: nice. Adjectives expressive of properties
or circumstances which cannot be increased have only the positive form, e.
g. a circular road, an extreme measure. An adjective is also in the positive form
when it does not express comparison; as, "A rich man." Adjectives of two or more syllables are generally
compared by prefixing more and most, e.g. Paris
is the most romantic city in the world.
comparative. The comparative adjective is that form of the adjective which expresses
increase or diminution of the quality: nicer. Examples are older than or more expensive than or bigger than or faster
than or taller than etc. Adjectives are compared in two ways, either
by adding “er” to the positive to form the comparative and “est”
to the positive to form the superlative. The following adjectives are
exceptions to this rule (irregular): bad
becomes worse or worst, good becomes better or best. Comparative adjectives are also formed by prefixing more to
the positive for the comparative and most to the positive for the superlative; handsome,
handsomer, handsomest or handsome, more handsome, most handsome.
The superlative. The superlative adjective is
that form which expresses the greatest increase or diminution of the quality: nicest. An adjective is in the superlative
form when it expresses a comparison between one and a number of individuals
taken separately; "John is the richest man in Boston.”don't forget to like this post.. thank you for coming... see you next.