Using Example Clues

Finally i've got to the last material of context clues. It's too boring when I write this topic for someday. but finally it's the last. After I write the four types of context clues, they are synonym and definition, comparison and contras, general sense, and clues from another sentence. Now i share you the example clues, just like the previous post i have the example of sentence, hint, how to find, and another example of sentences.  owh.. i almost forget, when you talk about context clues, you may look the pointer of context clues.   ok lest back to what i want to share, using example clues.. here it is...

Using Example clue

a. Description

Sometimes a sentence will provide an example that will help us understand the meaning of the word. Authors sometimes provide specific examples to illustrate or explain the meaning of a word.

b. Example clue often signaled by:

like, for instance, this, such as, especially, these, for example other, includes.

c. Hint:

Look for context key words –such as, and other, like, & for example.

d. Example of sentence

My science fair project is a study of acoustics that includes vibrating tuning forks and violin strings.

Step to use example clue

1) Identify the unfamiliar word.

(we are not sure what the word acoustics means.)

2) Read to see if there is a word that signals that an example may follow.

(we see the word includes. That could lead to an example.)

3) Find the example or examples.

(The words vibrating tuning forks and violin strings follow the word includes. These must be examples of acoustics.)

4) Ask ourselves how the example or examples relate to the unfamiliar word.

(These examples each produce sounds or musical tones.)

5) Use this information to figure out what the word means.

(Since the examples produce sounds, acoustics must have something to do with the study of sound or music.)

acoustics: the scientific study of sound

e. Other Example sentence

 Many Americans include too many servings of potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, and other carbohydrates in their diet.

[Potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread are given as examples of carbohydrates. What they have in common is that they are all starches. Therefore, carbohydrates refers to “starchy foods.” Although this is not the technical, scientific definition of carbohydrates, it is enough to allow us to comprehend the general meaning and keep reading.]