How to keep your body healthy

Health is the most worship thing in the world, so you should keep your body health. in order to make your body or your health is healthy, it's better you see the following tips.

1. Take a bath
Both the bath and in showers, baths will always be able to make your body more energy, so says Gold.

2. Drink a bottle of water
Mild dehydration can affect the body, even before you realize that you're thirsty. The signs are headache, fatigue, and exhaustion. "In order for the body to re-fresh, try to drink a full bottle of water," anjur Tammy Gold, a psychotherapist and parenting coach.

3. Keep your blood sugar levels
When you feel so tired, it is nice to be able to eat candy or drink something sweet. But there was a surge of energy that it is only temporary. In a short time, you feel more tired than before. This is because sugar is absorbed quickly by the body, then removed too quickly. "It's better, eat snacks, such as fruits," said Gold.

 4. Keep getting activity
Some studies found that regular physical activity can increase energy levels, even higher than a nap. Need not be too grandiose to enroll in a gym. Kompeks short walk around the housing while pushing a stroller can already make you a more refreshed. Or, do a light stretch while doing housework.

5. Do not miss breakfast
You always require children to have breakfast before school, but you often do not do it alone instead. Stop this practice. Do not just rely on the strength of a cup of coffee. Therefore, the research shows that eating breakfast in the morning can help to encourage greater energy for activity throughout the day.

6. Get enough sleep
Indeed, it is difficult for you to meet the recommended sleep about 8 hours a day. But do not let your sleeping time was cut to only 4-5 hours a day! "Nothing can cure the lack of sleep. Even as strong as any caffeinated beverages can not be helped," says Debi Silber, MS, RD, a personal trainer as well as lifestyle coach and author of A Pocket Full of Mojo: 365 Proven Strategies To Create Your Ultimate Body, Mind, Image and Lifestyle. "Finding a solution of caffeine and sugar will only make you feel very tired and prone to excessive weight gain."

Try to improve your sleep time. For one week, go to sleep about 1 hour earlier each night. Forget the desire to watch television. Notice how much the energy changes that you experience when entering the next week

 7. Change clothes
When he was in the house, would you rather wear nightgowns or pajamas. "It can actually make you feel more tired and drained of energy," said Gold. Try to wear nicer clothes, like trousers and short sleeved shirt. Look at how changes in "costume" can affect your mood changes!

 source: WebMD