Family Values in United States

This is an example study of cultural value, the topic here is family values in United Stated. Cultural value. A study of family value in united states. When we are talking about family, it may raise some question such as how have you been raised in your family? What values underlie the way you brought up? Are the family values the same across culture? This topic will examine the family values in the U.S. culture. Family Values in united states have their own characteristic generally, there are six point that should be learned which is stated as follow
  •   Child raising
  •   Young adulthood
  •   The Elderly
  •   The Nuclear and extended Family
  •   Familial roles
  •   Stability and change family
a)      Child raising
Acculturation, which begin at birth, is the process of teaching new generation of children the custom values of parent’s culture. US families usually trade their children with a more high privacy intention. American family habituates their children to be independent child. And also democration showed when Many children are taught at very early ages to make decisions and to be responsible for their actions , and also In the United State it is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room that belong only to the child. Besides that American traditionally have held independence and a closely related value, individualism, in high esteem. Often children (teenager , 13 to 18 years) work for money out side the home as a first step establishing autonomy. Many parents believing that managing money helps children learn responsibility as well as appreciate the value of money.

b)      Young  Adulthood

Adulthood in US usually has their own decision of life. Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years) children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave their nest”, and begin and independent life. Leave the nest mean that US adulthood usually leave their home and they try to find himself out side home. They often find social relationship and final support outside the family. For Adulthood in US
Parents do not arrange an marriages for their children but they usually ask permission of their parents to get married.
c)      The elderly

Societal and familial treatment of elderly also reflects in their individualism and independence. Their financial support come from government and social security . elderly often seek their friend rather than becoming emotionally dependent of their child. Glorification of youth and indifference to the aged has left many older people alienated and alone.  Some families in US usually send their older relatives to nursing homes

d)     The Nuclear and extended Family
Attitudes toward elderly can further understood by distinguishing between nuclear and extended family structure in US. the nuclear family consist of father, mother, and children.  The extended family includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and in-laws.  The distinction between nuclear and extended family are important because it suggest the extent of family “ties and obligation. In extended family, the children and parent have strong obligation that would find in other culture. The nuclear family usually has its own separate residence and it’s often economically independent of other family member.
In the way of financial problem it is traditionally that male was responsible for the financial support of the home and family member whereas female was responsible for emotional support, child raising and housekeeping. However female in US often run out from the traditional obligation for some reason. A financial need and not because of desire to change their role from homemaker to breadwinner. They feel that the husband and the wife should share financial support of the family.  And for Professional interest and a desire to contribute to society

e)      Familiar roles
Traditionally male has been responsible for financial support of the homes and family members. The female has often been responsible for emotional support, child rising and housekeeping, but now its change, most of wife in United States is working.

f)       Stability and change in the family

The united state is a heterogeneous country. Economic conditions, societal attitudes, and job mobility in the United State compete with traditional influences and also Changes in the American family structure are evidenced by increased rates of separation and divorce 

tad : cultural values, American family values, family values for American, American cultural values, burned dream #1, family values.