Using Comparison or Contrast Clue

Still talking with Context clues, after i Read you General Sense clues and Synonym and Definition clues, now i write you the next types of context clues. Comparison and Contrast clues is one of Context Clues types which is often signaled by Like, similar to, but, although, as, also, unlike, however, related, resembling, rather than, on the other hand.  for more explanation of comparison and contrast clues, just read it below.....

Using Comparison or Contrast Clue

a. Description

Sometimes a sentence will provide a comparison or a contrast that will help you understand the meaning of the word. Sometimes an unusual word is followed by an antonym that can help the reader figure out what the unusual word means

b. Comparison and Contrast of signaled by :

Like, similar to, but, although, as, also, unlike, however, related, resembling, rather than, on the other hand.

c. Hint:

Look for context key words –but, not, although, however, on the other hand, in contrast, & instead and other signal word

d. Example of sentence

She was often as truculent as a quarrelsome child; on the other hand, she could be gentle and helpful.

1) Identify the unfamiliar word.

(we not sure what the word truculent means.)

2) Read to see if there is a word or phrase that signals that a comparison or a contrast may follow.

(we see the word as and the phrase on the other hand. As could signal a comparison, and on the other hand could signal a contrast.)

3) Identify the comparison or contrast.

(The sentence compares the girl with a quarrelsome child, but it also says that she can be gentle and helpful.)

4) Use this information to figure out what the unfamiliar word means.

(Since the comparison is with someone who is quarrelsome and the contrast is with helpfulness, we could think that truculent means “quarrelsome” and “unhelpful.”)

truculent: ready to fight or quarrel

e. Other Comparison and Contrast example  

A few advertisers are unscrupulous, but most are honest.

[Unscrupulous advertisers are contrasted with honest advertisers, so we can reason out that unscrupulous is the opposite of honest. Therefore, unscrupulous means dishonest or not following ethical principles.]