Teaching Functional Text : Thesis

This is an English department thesis, this study is about the teaching functional text in junior high school. The writer's reasons in choosing that topic are that the writer has great interest in functional text and student difficulty in learning grammar. This paper entitles teaching functional text to improve student ability in grammar.


This chapter deals with the background of   the study, reason for choosing the topic, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, significance of the  study, and organization of the study.

A.    Background of The Study
                 English is an international language and used as the medium of information flow on science, technology, and culture as well. As we are in developing country we should try to be able to speak English to make a good relationship with other countries in the world. Therefore, we can master science, technology and culture around the world to face the competition in the global era. By mastering English, it is easier for us to make a good relationship with other countries. In education field, English has function as a means to communicate in the daily communication, to get knowledge, to make interpersonal communication, to share information, and to enjoy language lesson in English culture.
                 In Indonesia, English is taught in junior high school and Junior high school, even in Elementary School. Studying English is not a new thing for the students of Junior high school. Although English is not the new thing for Junior high school students. In fact, they still get many difficulties in studying English. Suppose, it is because English is not the Indonesian native language. It is difficult for the students to understand the different grammar, pronunciation, and culture of English.
The language skills to achieve are divided into two forms of language: oral and written English. In this case, listening and speaking are oral language; reading   and   writing   are   written   language.   They   are   as   medium   of communication.
In the 2006 English curriculum of Junior high school, one of the objectives of the English teaching-learning process is to make the learners achieve and develop the communicative competence both in speaking and in writing. They are hoped to have competence in the 2006 English curriculum. However, most students of Junior high school in Indonesia have a low mastery in reading and writing skill.
There are many materials given in Junior high school, one of them is about genre. There are seven genres which are taught to the students of Junior high school. The genres are narrative, recount, anecdote, report, procedure, explanation descriptive text.
Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe grammar as the "rules" of a language; but in fact no language has rules*. If we use the word "rules", we suggest that somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved into words, phrases and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time. What we call "grammar" is simply a reflection of a language at a particular time.
Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The short answer is "no". Very many people in the world speak their own, native language without having studied its grammar. Children start to speak before they even know the word "grammar". But if you are serious about learning a foreign language, the long answer is "yes, grammar can help you to learn a language more quickly and more efficiently." It's important to think of grammar as something that can help you, like a friend.
When you understand the grammar (or system) of a language, you can understand many things yourself, without having to ask a teacher or look in a book.
Teaching Functional Texts To Improve Student ability in grammar for Junior High School is one of the method of teaching grammar. This activity takes on some key characteristics, and simple.

B.     Reasons for Choosing The Topic
Some reasons why the writer chooses the topic Teaching Functional Texts To Improve Student ability in grammar for Junior High School as follows :
a.       The writer has a great interest in functional texts because the contains of grammar need more learn by teacher and students
b.      The writer also has an interest in one of the problem in junior high
school students. That is the lack of grammar ability.
c.       The writer wants to help the students of Junior High School in learning grammar by using functional texts
C.    Limitation of The Problem
                 There are many English components in Junior High School that have been taught by the teacher. Nevertheless, in this study the writer just limits in Teaching Functional Texts To Improve Student ability in grammar for Junior High School
D.    Statements of The Problem
Based on the background and limitation of the problem, the writer formulates the statements of the problem as follows:
1.      How to teach functional texts to improve student ability in grammar for Junior High School?
2.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching cartoon video in Junior High School students?
E.      Objectives of The Study
            In relation to the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study can be stated as follows:
1.      To describe how to Teaching Functional Texts To Improve Student ability in grammar for Junior High School
2.      To find out what the advantages and disadvantages of teaching functional texts to improve student ability in grammar for Junior High School
F.     Significances of The Study
            The writer hopes this study can be useful for readers especially for teacher and also students. The significances of this paper are as follows:
1.      For teachers
                  This paper can enrich them of teaching grammar that can be used to make the process of teaching and learning enjoyable. The teachers who teach at Junior High School, For students of Junior High School. This study will help students of Junior High School to comprehend grammar by learn functional texts.
2.      The writer
                  Because the writer wants to be a good prospective teacher, so it is hoped that the writer can grasp additional knowledge about the suitable method in teaching English especially in Junior High School and improve the writer’s knowledge in education.
G.    Organization of The Study
                  This paper consists of four chapters. They are Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, and Chapter IV. Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter deals with the background of   the study, reason for choosing the topic, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, significance of the  study, and organization of the study.
Chapter II is explains about student in general concept of teaching and learning, the Functional Texts, general concept of structure and grammar, and importance of structure
Chapter III is Discussion. It discusses how to Teaching Functional Texts To Improve Student ability in grammar for Junior High School
Chapter IV is Conclusions and Suggestion. 

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