How to start the lesson

To be a creative teacher is needs. We have to control the class so that the knowledge can be distributed. One thing that we have to master is the ability in opening the class or on the other hand, we could say how to begin the lesson. There are several tricks, which you can improve by your own style. Opening the class confidently and attractively can encourage student to follow the lesson happily. Here I share you some trick and it just for references. Enjoy this one

# Up to date news
The latest news under raging tried or being a concern in the community can be used to obtain the interest of students. Large class of pupils usually read newspapers, magazines, radio, and watching television. They were found to have attention in many ways. Teachers can get the latest news through the media. For a small class of students, they usually respond to incidents related to school or their games. Teachers, which extremely aware of their students activities throughout the week will not find it hard in this case. But as for information is subject to a student activities throughout the week which can be obtained by the students ask.

# Stories and painting or pictures
A story told with a good method will generate and maintain student interest in the lesson being presented. An image or object can very interest child. Paintings of everyday life is a good choice to attract and instill a truth to them.

# Task review
Generally, people are more interested in their own activities. Therefore, try to discuss student homework in the beginning of the lesson. These activities can increase the spirit of the students to begin the lesson. In addition, by addressing the tasks that already students did at home, the class's attention can be directed to the meaning and importance of learning itself. Do not forget to express appreciation for the effort the students have learned at home.

# presumed issue
Issues or questions presented in the lesson should be the usual things that happen in the lives of students. For example, "What would you say if someone asks why you go to church?" Or "What do you do if you are blamed for the deeds not you do?" The problem should be adjusted in such a way that leads to the lessons to be delivered.

# Use of props
A drawing, map, object, or other props that can be used effectively to foster student interest in the lesson.

# Connecting the Lessons
Each new lesson which are taught is part of the curriculum that have been defined. The lesson should be linked with other subjects in order to attract the attention of students and sharpen their understanding of the lesson series. Lessons in the previous meeting should be repeated to be associated with a new lesson. It can also help students to determine the relationship between the lessons that have been submitted with the Bible. Method to connect the current lesson with previous lessons should be varied. A teacher can not teach him to lose time when repeating the previous lesson. If a teacher has 35 minutes to teach, use the first five minutes to establish the connection point.

tag : how to begin the lesson, beginning the lesson, starting the lesson, how to start learning activity, starting learning activity, tips to begin the lesson, tips to begin learning activity