This kind of thessis talking about Analysis of relationship status between members of allKPOP group in facebook. here is stated the teory of relationship status, complete analysis, and will give you a example of thesis. you can download it freely to get the be your references.

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First chapter consists of background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statements of the problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of the key terms, and organization of the thesis.

A.    Background of the Study
Everyone, whatever his or her job, needs means in doing his or her job. Since there are many jobs in the world, of course, there will be many means needed to support the work of each worker.  However, there is only one means, which is very crucial in our daily life. It is realized or not, this means is always inherent in our daily life, from all kinds of means, the language is the most important means. Language is often interpreted as a means to convey feelings and thoughts of human. Therefore, the language is used to communicate and convey meaning from one person to another. Corder stated (1993:22),
The first way we can approach language is as a phenomenon of the individual person. It is concerned with describing and explaining language as a matter of human behaviour.  People speak and write, they also evidently read and understand what they hear. They are not born doing so; they have to acquire these skills. Not everybody seems to develop them to the same degree. People may suffer accidents or diseases which impair their performance. Language is thus seen as part of human psychology, a particular short of behaviour, the behaviour which has as its principal function that of communication.

Therefore, language is something that we must acquire not that something naturally exists in our life. By mastering the language, it will be easier for us to communicate.
The international language, English, is widely used in almost all aspects of life, such as communication, economics, politics, sciences, technology, tourism, education and entertainment. In other word, English is the most powerful language in the world. We can deny it. In order to survive in the era of globalization, in which the development of technology is very rapid, we need to master the English to communicate and to compete in this harsh world. We need it to socialize with the global community. Through English, we can easily communicate to foreigners so that we can develop our skills in our fields.
Related to the communication in the society, there is a study about it. Holmes (2001:1) states that sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between language and the context in which it is used. Sociolinguistics, as a branch of linguistics, view or put the position of language in relation to the use of language in society, because in social life human are no longer individuals, but as a social community. According to the sociolinguistics concepts, the structure of society that is always heterogenic always influences the language structure. The structure of society is influenced by many factors, such as ‘who speaks’, ‘with whom’,’ where’, ‘when’, and ‘to what end’. The factors can be grouped as four components; these are participants, setting, topics, and function.
The four components are related to the social dimensions, which can help for understanding the sociolinguistics phenomena recently. These dimensions are about a social distance scale concerned with participant relationship, a status of the participant, and a formality relating to the setting or type of interaction of communication, and the functions of the topic or interaction. It is the basic way to analyze sociolinguistics phenomenon.
 Recent years, the technology influences the communication of human being.  Human not merely communicate in spoken language for the direct way, but nowadays they can use many of technologies for doing the direct communication in written language. We can share our thought directly to everyone through technology. Because of the technology, we can communicate to another from the different countries straightaway. One of the products of the technology is Facebook. Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.
The users of Facebook can update their conditions, emotions, and thought on Facebook. Everyone who makes friend with the users on Facebook can look and comment to his or her status update. It is not only for doing this, there are some features on Facebook that can be used by the users (http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/facebook.html). Marketplace, allows users to post, read and respond to classified ads. Groups, allows users who have common interests to find each other and interact. Events, allows users to publicize an event, invite guests and track who plans to attend. Pages, allows users to create and promote a public page built around a specific topic. Presence technology, allows users to see which contacts are online and chat.
One of the features on Facebook is Group. Many people gather on Facebook and make a group on this site. There are so many Groups, and one of the Groups is Allkpop group. It is a Group on Facebook, which gives the members news about K-Pop actors and musicians daily. The K-Pop Lovers, the fans of K-Pop, can give their comment in the news that is updated based on the Allkpop website news.
The members of Allkpop group are the users of Facebook around the world, who use English as the language of communication. Therefore, the researcher chooses Allkpop group to be analyzed as the representative of many Groups on Facebook.

B.     Reason for Choosing the Topic
Facebook is such a phenomenon in the society. Anyone can use it, wherever and whenever he or she wants. Via Facebook, everyone can interact to each other, although hindered by distance. Furthermore, group on Facebook makes someone who does not know each other can share their feeling without knowing each other personally, each member can communicate as what they want. They can give comment toward the status update.
The communication on Facebook attracts the writer to understand the patterns of conversation of the group. There are many members of Allkpop, and it always increases everyday. Each member has characteristic to give a comment toward the news on the status update or give comment to another comment. It is possibly in the same or different way, for the sociolinguistic’s point of view that the way human speak is different. The researcher wonders the relationship of the members.
The social dimensions can help the researcher to fulfill her curiosity of it. Each dimension on social dimension will help the researcher to analyze each comment on group, because each dimension have their own characteristics. The solidarity-social distance scale can help her to find out the relationship between the members. The status scale helps the writer to analyze the relative status. The formality scale helps the writer to assess the influence of the social setting or type of interaction on language choice. The last one, the referential and affective function scales help her to get the function of the content of the comment. From each dimension, the writer hopes that she will find the answer of her curiosity.

C.    Statements of the Problem
The problems that will be analyzed by the resercher in this study are:
1.      How is the relationship of the members of Allkpop group on Facebook found in the comments?
2.      What are the linguistic features indicate the relationship of the members of Allkpop group on Facebook found in the comments?

D.    Objectives of the Study
The researcher focuses on the study of revealing:
1.      To identify the relationship of the members of Allkpop group on Facebook found in the comments.
2.      To find out the linguistic features indicate the relationship of the members of Allkpop group on Facebook found in the comments

E.  Significance of the Study
Theoretically, this study may add current study on sociolinguistics especially about social dimensions and it can be used as references of related linguistic research especially to the communication language usage based on social dimensions analysis.
Practically, this research offers some benefits to many parties, especially for the researchers, the academic societies, and the readers. For the researchers, it gives information about social dimension on sociolinguistics study and it can be used as references for the next study in analyzing the same field. Then, for academic societies, it gives contribution to the study of sociolinguistics focused on social dimensions. It also can be used to understand the social dimensions on Facebook, especially on the group. The last one is for the readers. It is useful to enrich the reader’s knowledge in recognizing the relationship on the study of sociolinguistics.

F.     Limitation of the Study
The study focuses on relationship of the members found in the comment on Allkpop group on Facebook. The researcher chooses a group called Allkpop group on the Facebook as its limitation. The time for doing the research was on 3 rd July 2012. The focuses of the research is on the comments towards the status update.

G.    Definition of Key Terms
The researcher gives definition about key terms of the thesis for understanding the content of the thesis. The definitions are as follow:
1.      Analysis
Hornby (2000:41) defines the term analysis as the detailed study or examination of something in order to understand more about it.
2.      Relationship
According to Hornby (2000:1117), relationship is the way in which two people, groups, or countries behave towards each other or deal to each other.
3.      Member
Hornby (2000: 269) states that member is a person, country, or organization that has joined a group, society, or a team.
4.      Comment
Hornby (2000:255) defines the term comment as something that you sat or write which gives an opinion on or explain somebody or something.
5.      Allkpop group
Allkpop is a group on Facebook, where the Korean Pop Lovers can get the newest news of their Korean idols. This group status updates are from the Allkpop website
6.      Facebook
Kelsey (2010:6) defines that Facebook is an excellent gathering point for collecting stories and digital artifacts and sharing them online.

H.    Organization of Study
There are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter consists of background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statements of the problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, the limitation of the study, definition of the key terms, and organization of the thesis.
The second chapter is about the theoretical foundations of the study of this thesis. This first part of this thesis discusses sociolinguistics. The second part discusses social dimensions, which are consist of relationship, status, setting, and function. The third part is discusses Facebook focuses on group on Facebook. The last part discusses Allkpop group.
The third chapter is research method. It describes research method that describes about source of the data, type of the research, population, sample and sampling, research instrument, technique of collecting data.
The fourth chapter is research finding and discussion. It describes the description of data and result of data analysis and discussions.
The fifth chapter is conclusions and suggestions.  

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